Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Clairbone and Humbleness

A friend showed me a recent article written by Shane Clairbone, founder of a christian ministry to the poor. Since he will be a speaker in a conference I'm attending, I read it:

I got really impressed, but in a bad way. He apologises for all the cultural mistakes christian we have made, maybe our lack of compassion or cultural awareness. I agree with many examples he shows, but he is so apologising that he makes me feel ashamed of being a christian. And it's true as a group we had made a lot of mistakes, we had sinned to our brothers and fellows and also to God.

We are sinful, broken, and at the end of the day dead. Except that this is precisely the reason Jesus came for. Because of our sin we deserve death, but as Jesus came and died on the cross as a substitute we have eternal life in Him. We are forgiven, we are a new creation.

In Christ we have everything, and that is missing in Clairbone's article. It sounds attractive and give us only what we want to hear not exactly what we want to hear. So we must be merciful, as Jesus was with us, we can be radical, but at the end of the day....

We must be humble and accept that we do need a savior.
And he died and conquered death.
His name is Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

JamesRock7 said...


Saludos pa ti!!