Sunday, May 30, 2010

Extrapolación - In the beginning

Saludos, lector invisible

Me bajó una iluminación luego de escuchar a K'naan, el tipo que canta la mejor de las canciones mundialeras pa Sudafrica 2010. La canción que les presento se llama "In the beginning", "En el Principio" y no es la del mundial, sino una que encendió varias ampolletas en mi cabecta. Al escucharla primero me vino la idea de nuestro Dios Padre, Dios creador, como poeta, pero al entenderla la segunda vez el poeta es el personaje de cada ser humano en el cual nos identificamos. Yo sé que es una extrapolación bien grande la que hago, pero me gusta como este artista toma el proceso de encontrarnos perdidos en nuestra propia rebeldía (personificada como una voz interior) que finalmente la aleja de su señor y pierde su alma.

Dos partes que me gustan especialmente:
So so so -
The poet's got a proposal
He would always hope but never know
What it feels to be free

Aquí el artista, el personaje, hablante lírico, oeta o como quieran llamarlo, recibe una esperanza, pero ésta llega a ser falsa, ya que lo que el personaje añora es libertad, libertad que no encuentra es esperanzas que se deforman y se trastocan. Otra manera en que lo miro, pero eso es de una apreciación bien personal y sería sacar de contexto la intención del autor (i.e. una volaa en mala jaja) es que desde mi perspectiva cristiana he decidido aeptar la propuesta de Jesús,obteniendo la esperanza eterna y entregando la "falsa libertad" por una sumisión al creador, la que finalmente sí nos hace libres...libres y siervos a la vez.

Freedom for the hearts we fill
Mislead them
They hunger for the love we give
But we cheat them

De nuevo nuestra falsa libertad y nuestro falso amor nos llevan por sendas erráticas y a su vez, perdemos a otros en el proceso. Creo que lo que es más interesante es el reconocimiento de quien se da cuenta de su opresión y necesidad, será el primero en buscar libeetad. Y como dice el coro finalmente, seguitan marcando el paso, haciendose fuertes, avanzando, avanzando... en el anhelo de la esperanza los que no la tienen y en el sendero de ésta hacia al amor eterno los que ya la conocen.

En fin, esa fue mi extrapolación sin mucho fundamento, disfruten la letra y la música, que de por sí, está increible:

So -
In the beginning there was hum
From a poet whose pulse fell
Drum drum drum!

He would perform prayers and all
Till one day he heard a voice call
Come come come!

Suspicious he moved with vicious caution
Dismisses, he thinks it's a little off

People get held back
By the voice inside them

Yo -
The voice said I'm poised to speak inside you
Rejoice and please let me invite you
To evil, greed and lies too

Yeah -
Confusing days he moved in ways he soon became a kuuni
Boom boom boom
And knock on his door his lord is no more
And knock on his door his soul is no more

La la la la- yeah
La la la la- that was in the beginning
La la la la- as the story goes on
La la la la-

So so so -
The poet's got a proposal
He would always hope but never know
What it feels to be free

He would be the frozen imposed as the chosen on all those opposing
But he would be greedy
That's got him there
He's power hungry and proud too

People don't care, people just scared
People don't care, people just prayer

La la la la- yeah
La la la la- that was in the beginning
La la la la- there was a hum
La la la la- and things change
La la la la-

Yeah, yeah, yeah -
Say -
It's better to light a candle than to curse the dark
In the eyes of the youth there are question marks
Like freedom
Freedom for the mind and soul
We don't see them
See them for their worth at all
That's why we lead them
Lead them to these wars and what is it we feed them
Feed them our impurities and who it is we treat them
Treat them like the enemy humanity will need them
Need them like the blood we spill and where freedom

Freedom for the hearts we fill
Mislead them
They hunger for the love we give
But we cheat them

The cops beat them when all he wants is his freedom
So they defeat them
Whatever spirit he's got
Beat them

And they teach them that the rest of the world don't need him
And he believes it's a disease that he's heathen
Put up your fists if all you want is freedom
Put up your fists if all you want is -

La la la la- That was in the beginning
La la la la- And things change
La la la la-

Yeah, yeah, yeah -
And we keep holding on
And we keep being strong
And we keep going on
And on and on and on

And we keep holding on
And we keep being strong
And we keep going on
And on and on and on

And we keep holding on
And we keep being strong
And we keep going on
And on and on and on

And we keep holding on
And we keep being strong
And we keep going on
And on and on and on

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